Thank you for stopping by! I am a NY-LongIsland Child Photographer. My work has been described as emotional, unique and fun. Being a mom myself I know how important it is to capture moments that share your childs story so that you may cherish them for a lifetime. I strive to capture the beauty of childhood and everything that comes with it - joy, laughter, tears, innocence...
My blog showcases my most recent and up to date work as well as any upcoming events and specials. For further information about me and to view my full portfolio please visit my website at
Become a fan of diMonda Photography on Facebook and be one of the first to receive information on promotional events and specials!!
I met with this sweet family a while back, however, the images we captured were for a gift for these gorgeous children's Grandma. I am so excited to finally share some of them with you. Looking through them now I can not help but smile...I love when I walk away from a session knowing I truly connected with the family and each child. It is so much fun for me and I know we truly captured their very own unique essence. Thanks again to this amazing family and all their cousins too! ;)
Watching my children grow everyday and evolve into these beautiful little people leaves me at a loss for words. Their spirit shines so bright in even the simplest of moments and leaves me with tears in the corner of my eyes. I have so much to be thankful for and my life has been blessed in countless ways. It is from my pregnancy with them that I found myself with Cardiomyopathy and yet it is also because of them that I am so thankful that it was me who was diagnosed with it and not my babies.
Since finding out that children are susceptible to Cardiomyopathy I have been determined to do my part in helping find answers. Last fall I posted that I was going to donate 10% of my prints profits to The Children's Cardimyopathy Foundation, and today with the help of so many of you, I did! So thank you everyone who ordered prints and holiday cards. Together we were able to help out an organization that is close to my heart. If you have not already please visit their Facebook page and become a fan in hopes to help spread the word and find a cure. If you would like to help even further please visit The movie, Extraordinary Measures, is giving away $10,000 to a charity doing extraordinary things. Please click on the CCF video (currently on page 3) and place your vote.
My heart goes out to all the children and families of children who are dealing with this condition. Always.
And because no post is complete with out a girls caught after a sisterly wrestle! ;)
First session for the New Year...a precious New Miracle. Congratulations to Mommy and Daddy and thank you for welcoming me into your home to capture the very beginning of this amazing journey, one that you will always hold deep within your heart and cherish.
"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed." -I. Krishnamurti
I love the positive energy that the start of every New Year brings. Dreams that we each have suddenly seem a little more in reach. I truly believe this is the year that we are all going to Soar! I am offering a contest to help us all feel inspired to go after what is in your own heart...your own dreams for the New Year.To one lucky family I am offering a Free Mini Session or $100 off of a Full Session! To enter please visit my Facebook page, become a fan and comment with something that Inspires you!♥
Contest details:Must live locally or be in the area by sometime in February. Session to take place by the end of February for a fun Outdoor Wintery shoot!! We can always take it in doors as well if that works best for you and your family. Fan count must reach 400 so tell your friends and family!!
Winner will be announced Friday January 8th, 2010!!! So spread the word and get inspired! ;)
♥♥♥ I am also offering one FREE pack of 25 Valentines cards personalized with your images from any session completed in the month of January!! ♥♥♥
Another fun session on a gorgeous day this past November! How could I not go back and share some images of this stunning little man. He is a charmer and was so much fun! : ) Special thanks to his mommy too...sorry it took me so long to get these up!
I have the best clients in the world! Looking back on such an amazing year I am speechless. I feel so honored and blessed to have been invited into your families lives to capture a piece of it for you to treasure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
**Slide show can be viewed larger and in full through my Facebook Page or by this link...Thank you!**